Sunday 24 April 2011


Busy, busy...
since the last post, one dandelion, one bird, three hearts (one red and lovely, 2 black and need filling in..) an anchor, a key, coloured in my pin up girls head, more old school stars, lots of text, another anchor and touching up the heart and banner i did.
more donations on Indiegogo - am now up to $300 - you lot are lovely and i will put some new photos up soon.
have had to miss loads because of bank hols, but i will be back in the saddle very soon.
M. xx

Thursday 31 March 2011

Got that tingly feeling....

It's Thursday night. Have been in work today. It's my three day stint, so am there tomorrow and Saturday. I love that! Can really get stuck in....I also had to miss Monday afternoon this week, due to a case of gastrically exploding toddler.... So, Rose's Birthday. She made me laugh and liked her pressie. We seemed to spend a lot of time laughing today...Glitter glue on a hat, fraggle rock does the Rolling Stones, Linda Nolan...all frickin hilarious. Also had to draw out a special tattoo, for someone coming in on Sunday...a frog, sitting on an apple. I don't know the story behind that, but hangover or no, I am going to drag myself in specially on Sunday, just to find out. The tattooist is holding a SEMINAR on Saturday..! Calm down, it's not open to the public, there's no tickets on sale. Myself and Kelly are cordially invited to attend an instructive session on the pitfalls and techniques of tribal tattooing... apparently it looks easy and is the very devil itself... I am hunting out my flip chart and pointer stick as props, as we speak.. Actually, I am looking forward to it. I love being taught the little tricks and bits I need to know. Whenever the tattooist tells me something, I always wish I had a handy practise punter there, ready, so I can immediately try it out. So, three booked in this week, tomorrow, a bird outline on the side of a wrist, Saturday, a black dandelion inside a wrist and an anchor thingummy on an ankle. I was going to do some toes but he changed his mind. Lucky really as the Tattooist told me today that I wasn't allowed to do toes yet! Apparently they blow and are really difficult. (Blowing - remember that? See previous posts for bitch bastard blowing....) Attempting that at this stage in my career could leave me a disillusioned, beaten wreck and drive me a job in a bank.. Tonight, I have to to start drawing up the flash sheets I am offering as a perk on my Indiegogo site. I have 7 donations so far and am SO grateful. Click on the link on the left, to see what that's all about. So, I am off to have inky fun for the next few days. I will take lots of pics, but don't come bothering me, I'll be busy. xx

Wednesday 30 March 2011


5 indiegogo contributions so far. You lot are great. xx

Sunday 27 March 2011

Latest photo up.

tattoo number 10 is now up - click on the tattoos link to see it. It was my first attempt at formal lettering. It is a bit wibbly - as ever, it could be a lot better. but, the man was happy with it - at least he said he was! This guy also had a bit of tribal at the top of his arm. Tucked away near his armpit, the colour kept dropping out. So i coloured it in for him! Just blocked it in and coloured it. Nice to have things thrown at me and have to get on with them. Also on Friday, I had to assist with some stretching!! The Tattooist was doing some tribal, starting under a man's arm and going across his ribs and down onto his stomach. when I got upstairs, i was told to put on some gloves and grab hold! The skin needed stretching across the guy's stomach, two hands, pressing down, pulling it taut. This enabled the tattooist to get a strong, even line. The poor guy was really feeling it - very delicate places, but he hung in there. After about 10 mins of being pulled about, he had to have a fag break and then under the arm! More pulling, stretching, pinching and pain!! And he's got to have it coloured in yet...... Next week, I have got some great work booked in. A black dandelion on a wrist, a bird shape on a wrist and "Life & Death" on some toes! am really looking forward to that one. Will let you know. Click on "Drawings" link to see the drawings for the next tattoos and other ideas. Have a good Monday. x


WE HAVE OUR FIRST INDIEGOGO CONTRIBUTION!!! DONOR 1, I LOVE YOU. XXX That is amazing and means so much. have had a crazy day, full of mates, picnic, horses, ice cream and a new cd player for the boy. going now to draw "Life & Death" in old style script for some toes i am doing on Saturday.. xx


Today I am going to Rudyard Kipling's House, having a picnic, going hores riding and hanging out with mates. Tonight I will be getting my house ready to have some other mates round for dinner tomorrow night. i love my boy and today will be good fun. I want to be at the shop....... xx

Friday 25 March 2011

Thank fuck for that.

it's late and I'm tired but i wanted to share two bits of good news with you lovelies.
1. I did two bits of tattooing today on Jake.
One was my first bit of writing and the second was blocking in some old tribal.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen....
It was the first time i had done a proper script and it came out ok.
Am over my blow hump..(if you see what I mean.)
Thanks Jake.

Second bit of good news, my INDIEGOGO fundraising site is up and running.
Doing this apprenticeship is proving financially very hard. I have started a two month campaign on Indiegogo to try and raise some money. You don't just give for nothing, there are some great perks and tattoo/design related goodies you can "buy" as well as donating any amount you like.
Please have a look and if you can, spread the word.

Thank you so much.

Will post photos of todays tatts, on FLICKR tomozzah.

Night night. I'm off to sleep the sleep of someone who didn't, at least.